3 dic 2011

Cuídate en Positivo - La continuada lucha por los derechos de las mujeres y el colectivo LGBT.

I'm writing with a video you just have to see and share - it could change the hearts and minds of the people in your life. It's a simple story about love and commitment and it makes a powerful case that all couples are equal:
A few years ago I co-founded GetUp!, a movement to build a more just and compassionate Australia, that has grown to be a force for people power on many issues facing my home country. That's why, as one of the founders of All Out, I was so proud to see this inspiring video that GetUp! produced to get Australia and the world talking about marriage equality.
The video was released on the eve of a major party Congress in Australia - where Australian politicians will decide whether to make ending marriage discrimination party policy - a critical step to treating gay men and women the same  as everybody else.
The story it tells is universal, and that's why the video has gone viral - in just a few days it has been viewed by more than 2.5 million people around the world. Check it out:
GetUp! Video (http://act.allout.org/go/618?akid=391.72436.9vXfSF&t=4)
When we launched All Out earlier this year, it was with the idea that working together all over the world, we can make change happen faster - by impacting policy, but also by moving hearts and minds.
And we've never seen a better way to make the simple point that this video makes: gay couples are no different than straight couples.  We now have a chance to push Australia to be the next country to recognize and respect this fact. That's why this video and the moving story it tells needs to be seen by millions.
Will you take a moment to watch and share it, giving more people a chance to join the conversation? After you watch, sign our letter to Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, asking her to show true leadership by working to end marriage discrimination at her party's national conference THIS WEEK, and sending a powerful signal to the rest of the world:
All the best and All Out,
Jeremy and the rest of the team at All Out
All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of every identity - lesbian, gay, straight, transgender and all that’s between and beyond - to build a world in which everyone can live freely and be embraced for who they are.
Our mailing address is:
Purpose Foundation
224 Centre St
New York, NY 10013
Copyright © 2011 AllOut.org, All rights reserved.

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